Optrel Panoramaxx og CleanSpace - "En fantastisk svejsepakke"
Christian Stautz Olsen er en af landets dygtigste klejnsmede. Han bruger både svejsehjelmen Panoramaxx og turboværnet CleanSpace. Og han er begejstret!
Christian Stautz Olsen er en af landets dygtigste klejnsmede. Han bruger både svejsehjelmen Panoramaxx og turboværnet CleanSpace. Og han er begejstret!
Brolæggerne Jeanette og Erik Skovmand har mærket en markant forskel, efter de er begyndt at bruge FENTO knæbeskyttere
Grundet konvertering af vores ERP system, vil ordrer, indsendt i tidsrummet torsdag d. 5. maj kl. 13 til mandag d. 9. maj kl. 12, først blive afsendt mandag d. 9. maj.
If you keep your momentum you can charge up pretty much all the climbs and the descents are steep and tricky.
Fast transitions and high berms help with the turns. Trail is now covered in snow and you can only ride the packed areas from where sledders and shredders have packed out a trail.
Two wheel drifting is likely if you have speed but are not riding the top few inches of the berms. Brief passing showers are keeping it wet but the sun and wind are trying.
Be careful of the rock stairs relatively close to the top of this portion; too much speed could doom your descent on these. Plenty of kick ups, jumps, drops, and huge berms.
Ride to the top and then down and link it directly into Ridegeline
There was enough rain to saturate the dust. Two wheel drifting is likely if you have speed
An awesome descent, with some high speed ripping at the top, some root drops in the middle, and some great bank turns at the bottom. Fun!
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